In class, we are discussing the Shakespearean play, Hamlet. With the sudden mysterious murder of his father and the marriage of his mother to his uncle, Hamlet falls into a deep depression. Many think he is mad with grief of the events that just occurred while others feel as if he is mad due to the rejection of Ophelia. We see two sides to Hamlet. At times, we see him display traits to those who are mentally unstable. He talks to himself, has sudden outbursts, and takes on weird behaviors. He also becomes isolated from his family and loved ones. However, on the other side we see a more intelligent side to Hamlet. He knows that he has to avenge his father by killing his uncle, but he also know that this is something that requires much deliberation and patience. He needs a just cause to kill his uncle rather than just acting on pure emotions. So, he devises a plan to guilt his uncle into confessing that he killed his father. As a reader, you question whether Hamlet is sane or insane? Where is the line drawn? Is Hamlet mad or is he tactful?
All true, but be sure to use your blog as a place for your own insight -go beyond this and offer answers to your own questions.