Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Post Evalution

Knowledge of Audience - I feel as if I had semi-knowledge of the time period of my audience, but I also feel as if I could have better elaborated and provided more equivalent examples.
Diction- Although, I feel as if I enunciated my words I also caught myself using two or three fillers. I also saw myself stutter one or twice, I need to gather my thoughts and project them clearly.
Body Language - My body language definitely needs improvement. I stood in place the entire time and did not demand the attention of the entire room. I could have use the space more efficiently. Although, I felt confident my face portrayed that I was somewhat nervous.
Preparedness - I do not feel as prepared as I needed to be. However, I did have to change my topic at the last minute since someone else presented on the same topic I choose.
Overall Effectiveness- I feel as if I was somewhat effective, but not as effective as I cold have been. If I could go back in time, I would use more metaphors and make more efficient use of the space.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


   As the third marking period comes to an end, we are responsible for handing in a final project on anything that we choose refering to language, literature, or story. For my topic, I decided to choose the topic of ESL. As I completed my research, I found some interesting results. The number of ESL students is highly increasing within America. Many students struggle with the adaptation of the English language and culture. It is a reoccuring problem that few people have knowledge of or paying attention to. As Americans are we obligated to assists in the problem or is it not our responsibilty?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Recently in class, we had to do a public speaking exercise. We had to talk for forty five seconds on a topic of choice without using "filler" words such as, "uhhh.." "umm.." or "like." As adolescents, the moment we heard that we knew it was going to be a hard task. We have become so accustomed to using these words to fill in those awkward moments or as a way to gather our thoughts. But not only is it a flaw on my generation, but also of elder generations. There have been many times when adults have suffered from the same problem. It wasn't till now that I realized how distracting it could actually be. When I hear a lecture when a person is constantly using fillers, I find my self counting the amount of times he/she says a particular word rather than the content of the speech. It is something that we all need to work on. I wonder if this is a reoccuring problem from the past.